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Summer Awakening Workshop

This particular workshop is a blend of HD in practice (I will take your basic design type reading beforehand), movement to free up your body and move stagnant energy and expectation around, guided manifestation and yoga Nidra (deep Yogic sleep that will take you on a journey to see yourself as a very necessary thread in the fabric of this glorious - and sometimes tough - existence).

You will go home with…
• Knowledge of your unique design type and how you can begin to work with that to create a life that works FOR you, not against you (business, relationships, mental wellbeing, digestion and more). She’ll also offer opportunity to deepen that knowledge further for anyone who would like it.

• A feeling of strength and acceptance through love, of body, mind, soul and your individual journey… and a hopefully a deeper feeling of trust in where you’re at, where you’ve been and where you’re going.

• A gentle path forward of where you would like to head towards.

• A feeling of peace and relaxation!

• An evening of exciting, expansive and open-hearted great chat, with like minded humans.

Date: Saturday 17th August
Time: 5pm-8pm
Location: Holistic House Skipton (central Skipton)
Price: £40

30 April

The Authentically You Retreat